GM60-1205 12V 5A 60W
GM60-12051.SCOPE/概述The document detail the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications of a SMPS,the power supply provide 60 W continuous output power.资料详细描述了一款 60W(连续输出功率)开关电源的电气性,结构性及环境等


The document detail the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications of a SMPS,
the power supply provide 60 W continuous output power.
资料详细描述了一款 60W(连续输出功率)开关电源的电气性,结构性及环境等要求.

2. Input Characteristics/输入特性
2.1. Input Voltage & Frequency/输入电压与频率
The range of input voltage is from 90Vac to 264Vac single phase.
输入电压范围:从 90Vac 到 264Vac, 单相输入.
Minimum/最小Normal/额定值 Maximum/最大
Input Voltage/输入电压 90Vac 100Vac~240Vac 264Vac
Input Frequency/输入频率 47Hz 60Hz/50Hz 63Hz
2.2. Input AC Current/AC 输入电流
1.5Amax. @ 115Vac input & Full load/在 115Vac 输入和满载条件下最大 1.5A
1.5Amax. @ 230Vac input & Full load/在 230Vac 输入和满载条件下最大 1.5A

2.3. Inrush Current (cold start)/浪涌电流(冷启动)
Power supply inrush current shall be less than the ratings of its critical components (including
bulk rectifiers, fuses, and surge limiting device) under all conditions of line voltage of Section
2.1. 浪涌电流:在 2.1 中所有输入条件下,浪涌应小于关键器件的额定值(包括保险丝、桥整等浪涌限制
2.4. Minimum Efficiency 电源效率
82%(min.) at 230Vac/50Hz and
115/60HZ 最小 82% ( 输入 230V/50HZ
和 115/60HZ)
2.5. No-Load Input Power Dissipation 输入空载功率损耗
Input 115Vac or 230Vac ,output no load, the input power loss is less than 0.3W.
输入 115/230V 交流,在输出空载条件,输入功耗小于 0.3W.